Emotional Health and Wellbeing
Dear Parents and Carers,
At Boxmoor Primary School we are very keen to signpost mental wellbeing support that can be useful at home. It is important to maintain a positive mental wellbeing but sometimes it can be hard, especially in the current climate we find ourselves in.
Below you will see some leaflets and information on: My Teen Brain, Top Tips for Parents and a link to Just Talk.
Top Tips for Parents is looking at supporting boys with their mental wellbeing.
The link to Just Talk looks at:
- Supporting Young People's Mental Health.
- Talking to Children about Coronavirus.
- Education and Learning.
- Supporting Young People with SEND.
- Need Help Right Now.
- Mental Health online service Sandbox is launching on 1st April for 10-25 year olds. This service provides online support to children and parents including direct therapy and online chat. Please see attached link:
- Just Talk A website with a wealth of information for parents to support children at home.
- TikTok Parent's Guide Did you know TikTok was aged 12 years and older.
- A Parent's Guide to Social Media. Why are so many social media apps aged 13 years and older?
- New Leaf Wellbeing College
- As One Hertfordshire Wellbeing team